everything music

Philosophical Swing

  • Filosofico Swing
  • Philosophical Swing

Don’t know much about Swing and more I read about philosophy, less I understand it. But the concept of swing lets me think about the sea, the ocean, to a couple dance in which you accompany and swing with the other; about philosophy, I’m afraid my text are imbued of it.

I play Philosophical Swing because during my life I asked my self a thousand of questions, and in some moments of wonder I enjoyed some instants of disinterested contemplation that granted me less contingent feelings.

My songs speak about those moments, somehow I like to think that they have been written from those moments, thanks to those moments. I look at the world and it’s progress and it seems to me that humans have forgotten about men, about them selves. And if it was all alot different? And if we have been concerned on just an aspect neglecting others?

In someway my music tells about my forgetfulness and about my understanding I can’t no more ignore. My path goes from the reception of a parallel rhythm, probably comprehensive, to the canonic cause-effect, to the acceptance of death as a transmutation of form, till understanding everything can subsist and exists thanks to what denies it, the rational consequentiality.

everything music

My music exalts and stresses my being at the same time cause and effect of my life, the origin of both what I have been and what I will be.

I’ve always been concerned on the meaning of the All: quantic physic, the spirit, art, emotions an the main rules of reason. My conclusions, after have listen to many different possible answers, is that they can all be simultaneously correct and that life could be a paradoxical experience in which, moment after moment, we believe a thing rather than an other.

This thinking convinced me we are just Present and the memory of what we will be.

A Present concurrently composed from what I am and what I am not, from an I and a Non-I, from a conscious and an unconscious. A Present that happens in the encounter with the world, with what I am not or not yet and with what I don’t know and don’t remember. In this way I uninterruptedly become a memory of what I’m not yet, of what I will become.

For this reason I chose music, that geyser that every time bursts from our realising we’re both alone and part of something endlessly bigger.

For this reason I do music, to share this present as a gift I both receive a want to give.